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Tuesday 29 January 2013

A Brief History of Swimming Pools

From the early ages mankind has attracted towards the water. Water is always a symbol of fun, enjoyment, adventure and fantasy for human being. The experts have discovered the first swimming pool ever constructed was in “Mohenjo-Daro”, a site in modern Pakistan. This pool was built during the 3rd millennium BC. This swimming pool is called “The Great Bath”. This pool was built with bricks and then plastered with some tar based sealant.

In ancient Egypt, swimming was also a known activity as many old structures has found in Egypt that have told us that the ancient Egyptians knew the art of swimming very well. History of ancient Rome and Greece has also told us that the swimming was taught as a subject in elementary schools. These two civilizations have also built some artificial pools. That pools were used for military exercises and nautical games. First public swimming pool was built in Rome. “Kutam Pokuna” was the name of the pairs of swimming pool built in 4th century BC in the ancient kingdom of Anuradhapura.

An old wealthy Roman lord Gaius Maecenas built the first heated water swimming pool for the public. Many ancient cultures such as Phoenicians, Assyrians and Babylonians have left many strong proofs of their love for swimming. 

In the mid of 19th century swimming pools became very popular in England. Maidstone Swimming club started in 1844 in Kent, England is believed as the oldest surviving swimming pool club in Britain.

The popularity of swimming and swimming pools increases after the start of modern Olympics in 1896. First major indoor swimming pool for public at Temple Cowley was owned by Oxford.  In 1869 the Amateur Swimming Association was established in England. After the World War I, the man improved the swimming standards and the training for swimming became essential.

The Racquet Club of Philadelphia, USA in 1907 built the world’s one of the first above ground swimming pool. After World War II in USA, the trend of having a swimming pool in the backyard of the house became very popular. In 1959, a two storey pool was built at the Royal Roads Military College in Canada. This pool was built with white concrete and it was shaped as of horizontal cubic volumes. This pool is also one of the historic places of Canada.

Swimming as a “sport of choice” for many modern athletes is very famous. Almost every city in the modern world has public swimming pools where people can have fun or swim for competitively. Swimming Lessons are also offered at a reasonable price at many swimming areas. Many keen swimmers have built their own swimming pools in the backyard of their home.

There is an interesting long history of swimming pools with the diversity of locations, models and designs. Nowadays as the heated swimming pools are available in almost every major city of the world, everyone can enjoy swimming any time of the year and around the globe.   

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