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Tuesday 29 January 2013

Grass Types for Warm Climates

Warm Season Grass is a phrase used for various grass species that grow best in summer temperature. Their primary place of growth is in the south and west regions of the country.

They mostly based on geographical conditions. The environmental conditions in which they grow are very important. Some grow in very hot conditions some in slight less hot and some in normal warm conditions. Thing to remember is that warm condition grass needs a dry climate. The warm season grass best grow in temperature above 50 degree Fahrenheit.

They do not often depend on water yes the do but not completely no matter how much water we give if average temperature fall below 50 degree Fahrenheit they will not grow.
That why the warm climate grasses goes completely dormant in winter season.

Key points to consider when deciding which grass is best for you are:

·         Some grass species require more care than other. They are high maintenance grasses.
·         Most grasses have a preference for specific climates such as humid, dry, and cool.
·         Each grass performs better or worse depending on the average temperature range during the growing season.
·         Grass species are classified by how much or how little sunlight they need to maintain their health and vigor.
·         Each grass requires certain place for growth which bests suited their nature. Like some grasses can tolerate high traffic areas others suited for lawns, parks.

Some of the best warm climate grass types are:

Bahia Grass: They are light green in color. They can b used in lawns. They are low growing in nature. Bahia grass grows well in dry soil.

Bermuda Grass: This grass type is originally from Africa. They are one of the most common grasses to be grown on lawns, gardens, landscape, commercial sites and other areas. This grass type prefers the full sun. Shade areas effect their growth.

Buffalo: The Buffalo grass is light green in color. It is also low growing in nature. Buffalo go dormant very quickly if it is not watered regularly. The best month for their plantation is APRIL-MAY.
Zoysia Grass: This grass is dark green in color. Like Buffalo it also low growing in height. It also grows best in sunny conditions shades effect their growth. It required to be watered regularly. This grass color turns brown in winter its growth stops in winter season then again it started to grow in spring season.
St. Augustine: This grass makes a beautiful light green turf. This grass features wide, medium-green blades. It requires full sun. This grass can also tolerate shade conditions. This grass requires regular watering. It also goes in dormancy during winter season because it generally a warm climate grass. This grass has a best use for lawns but not in high traffic areas.

Centipede: This grass features light-green blades that grow slowly and spread above ground. This grass grows best in full sunlight in sand-based soil with a pH from 5.0 to 6.0.It requires yearly rainfall of more than 40 inches. This grass is slow growing and also low maintenance in nature. This grass becomes complete dormant in the winter. Its suitable places are parks, lawn, etc. Centipede is also not suitable for high traffic areas.

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